Friday, October 30, 2009

Reality of the Economic Recovery Act

The Economic Recovery Act is just another set-up to swindle Americans in reality just as the Economic recovery during the 2002-2007 housing bubble/crash manipulation after literally robbing American savings using Tech bubble/crash during the last 1990s. Why the ERC is another trap? It is because there is no other way than survived Americans spending their savings and earning -- which is almost impossible to provide real economic recovery as Americans jobs are shipped to overseas and foreign products are continuing to flood American markets.

Many Americans are now aware of the financial and economic reality, not like pre-2007 era, therefore, greedy capitalists will have harder time to deceive Americans even though many are still being deceived.

Some are still being fooled by Capitalists propaganda using mass media targeting survived Americans to spend until going bankrupted -- and it would be insane to be deceived repeatedly by the satanic lures bankrupting millions and nations around the world.

Americans are fallen and the United States is following the footsteps of European bankruptcies. All around the world need to wake up and to realize the capitalist scheme and deceptions as the tricks will continue until the End -- and the End will come sooner or later.

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