Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Trillions exit yet?

Markets were pushing up for months in light volume trading, and even after 50%-300% rallies based on Hope Theme, I don't see visible profit taking even though internal was showing it. Trillions will look for exit to lock in huge gains since the March low.

Buffett naive or deceptive? While the title for the Buffett interview sounds reasonable, the main factor operating and managing financial market is mainly "deception" and "unfair practices" which noted on previous commentaries. Financial market system at the top is unfair and collusive operation -- therefore, the capitalism is broken as the statistics of wealth disparity proves the points. Furthermore, if indeed the wars were manipulated to profit from, i.e. war profiteering, the greed is indeed evil and is seeded in eternal death. Therefore, his premise of WS is not evil is either naive or deceptive.
>> Warren Buffett doesn't look at Wall Street as "evil," but he does believe both "carrot" and "stick" incentives are needed to make sure people "behave well" while they are trying to get rich.


>> As soon as Obama became president, he showed us that the State Secrets Privilege was going to continue to be a tool of choice. It’s an arcane executive privilege to cover up wrongdoing—in many cases, criminal activities. And the Obama administration has not only defended using the State Secrets Privilege, it has been trying to take it even further than the previous terrible administration by maintaining that the U.S. government has sovereign immunity. This is Obama’s change: his administration seems to think it doesn’t even have to invoke state secrets as our leaders are emperors who possess this sovereign immunity. This is not the kind of language that anybody in a democracy would use.

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