Sunday, October 18, 2009

Obama Healthcare

Obama: Insurance Companies are 'Deceptive, Dishonest'
Published: Saturday, 17 Oct 2009 | 4:57 PM ET

U.S. President Barack Obama lashed out Saturday against the "deceptive and dishonest" efforts of health insurance companies, who he said are trying to kill healthcare reform, no matter the cost to the country.

Healthcare Reform: Soros/Obama <<<“This brings me to that hotly debated subject, physician assisted suicide and euthanasia.” >>>

Can be viewed as an act of mercy; however, Judaism and Christianity forbids it because we believe GOD will provide.

Soros background is Jewish, and maybe he does believe in Judaism.

Judaism on suicide


“Can we afford to care for the dying properly? The number of people dying in the United States currently stands at 2.2 million annually. Increases in cancer and AIDS and the aging of the baby boomers will cause this figure to climb faster than the population . . . But aggressive, life-prolonging interventions, which may at times go against the patient’s wishes, are much more expensive than proper care for the dying.”

“This brings me to that hotly debated subject, physician assisted suicide and euthanasia.”

George Soros (1994)

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