Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Reality of American & global economy -- finanical deception

The grand scam of the Fraudulent FED against the United States devaluing 97% of USD since 1913 and it's centennial anniversary in 2012.

We are continuing to see financial deception based on manipulated and misleading financial data to deceive Americans and many around the globe as we have seen the GDP data which is really the US debt spending. Markets are hyped based on the hope waiting for Americans and globe to spend until going bankrupt like what we have seen in the United States.

Meanwhile we are continuing to see war profiteering.

85,000 Iraqis killed from 2004 - 2008
Iraqi Government Report Based on Death Certificates Issued by Health Ministry

Tape 2:10-3:50 / 9:37 Union Bank Fraud & Vietnam war (=911/Iraq)

The Capitalist deception slaving the nations around the world.

EU, Euro Debt, Illuminati, Manipulation, the Fed, US debt

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