Friday, October 23, 2009

Financial Market Reality

What has happened to auditing the FED? Most of all, Americans are deceived because the Federal Reserve is acting like a government agency in appearance. Even in the media broadcast, the wording is confusing to most of Americans, especially to those who do know the real deceptive facts about the Federal Reserve. The House Financial Services Committee approved and was a part of the past congressional bill de/re/regulation manipulation, e.g. the repeal of the Glass-Steagall -- one of the reasons which caused the massive American R.E. bankruptcies and which was the last deception stealing American wealth.

What we are hearing now is just another show and drama deceiving Americans, but those who are informed of the financial market reality will not be fallen into another deception show and drama of financial mafia operation. What has happened to auditing the FED?

What kinds of intellectual ability or management brilliance to swindle money using collusion and deception. It does not take much intellect, management ability, marketing strategy, or product development & restructuring to steal money from massive Americans and many around the world when the scam is involved with collusion and deception which we have seen for decades. The financial markets are operating just like financial mafia operation. The Madoff case is example. The Madoff saga continues. Genesis 3 and Matthew 4 -- satanic operation using deception.

Americans and the United States were manipulated by monetary policies using de/re/regulation making noises and distraction deceiving American and many around the world to spend until they go bankruptcies and run up massive federal deficit and debt.

Bernanke is now suggesting to reform the banking industry regulations only after massive Americans and the nation is going into bankruptcies continuing to hype financial markets with misleading economic data and propaganda hoping for Americans and many around the world to spend to bankruptcies. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO AUDITING THE FED?
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