Monday, October 5, 2009

US Swine Flu Vaccination Effort

MAY THE LORD ALMIGHTY GOD deliver us from the demons.
May Jesus return to take us to His Kingdom out of this demonic world.

The implication of the Fed/US corruption, greed, and deception. e.g. swineflu shot
-- actually this is done globally, obviously per G20.
-- it is the return of the demons in Matthew 8:28-34.

US Swine Flu Vaccination Effort Starts Monday: CDC

~*~ Spirit of GOD vs Mammon ~*~ e.g. swineflu shot

The spiritual vision noted below communicates the message of God in this last days. As in Matthew 8:28-34, we need to guard against the demonic deception by wearing the holy armor of GOD in Ephesians 6:11-17.

The mammon power is using all kinds of deception fighting against the Lord Almighty deceiving those who follow Jesus and love GOD who created the Universe.

Even though the mammon is much powerful than us, GOD Almighty will deliver us from the demonic hands and deception as He promised that He will return and take us truly believing Him to the Heaven of God. Praise the LORD, ALMIGHTY!

Glory to GOD!! Amen


re: Swine Flu: An End-Time Vision...


Financial greed demons and deceivers going to ~~>>

Will be shot to there


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