Friday, October 2, 2009

End Time Vision: Swine Flu Mild Vaccine Over Hyped

Must read regarding an end time vision:

I saw a large pasture with very many sheep. All of a sudden, from every direction and from all over, came wolves upon the herd, mixing themselves amongst the sheep. Neither the shepherds nor the shepherd dogs (of utmost importance) sounded any alarm. They lay on the floor as if hypnotized. There was just a bit of panic within the herd. The sheep did notice that something was wrong, but they took no serious note of what was happening. They just continued grazing in a relaxed manner. The shepherds and the shepherd dogs on the other hand noticed nothing.

As I observed closely, I saw the wolves, which had fangs like snakes in their mouths, tweak (pinch or prick) the sheep on their buttocks. These twitched briefly, and then continued their relaxed grazing. After a short while, the wolves ran from the herd, withdrawing themselves again into the mountains, without having stolen a sheep or inflicted any visible harm on them. .....

Swine Flu Vaccine - How it will become mandatory

Before I get into how I see the swine flu vaccine becoming mandatory, know that there is squalene oil in the H1N1 vaccine. The so-called purpose of the squalene is to increase the effectiveness of the vaccine. Squalene was used in anthrax vaccines and is what caused Gulf War Syndrome, an autoimmune disease.

The human body has natural squalene, but when squalene is injected unnaturally into muscle tissue, the body sees it as a foreign substance and creates antibodies to destroy squalene, resulting in an autoimmune disorder. Symptoms attributed to this syndrome have been wide-ranging, including chronic fatigue, loss of muscle control, headaches, dizziness and loss of balance, memory problems, muscle and joint pain, indigestion, skin problems, shortness of breath, insulin resistance, brain cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and fibromyalgia.

Once your body creates squalene antibodies, it will continue to attack the natural squalene in your body indefinitely. You will be sick the rest of your life and your life will most definitely be shortened.

Go to US Department Health and Human Services via this link,

and see that over $400 million was spent on bulk oil and water adjuvants for the vaccine. The bulk oil adjuvant is squalene.

If you do nothing else after reading this email, at least research keywords Squalene H1N1 Vaccine and make your own educated decision as to whether or not you should risk taking squalene laced vaccine prior to it becoming mandatory.

The following is a sequence of events as to how I believe the swine flu vaccine will be made mandatory.

In June '08, 21 out of 350 homeless people in Poland died after being injected with the lethal bird flu virus (H5N1). Dont believe it? Research it. It is my belief that the eugenicists, elites who believe the human race should be depopulated in order to save the planets ecosystem, were attempting to find the correct dosage of bird flu virus required to cause death. Research the keywords eugenicists, Georgia Guidestones, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger, Committee on Foreign Relations, Illuminati, Club of Rome, and Bohemian Grove to learn more about these elites who control the world through debt and central banks.

As of September 13, 2009, the World Health Organization reports that 2625 people have died from the swine flu virus in the Americas, which includes South, Central and North America. The combined population of these regions is around 960 million people. According the CDC, the common flu kills over 30,000 people per year in the United States alone. So why is there all this media hype about how important it is to have the H1N1 vaccine? Why?

In early October, the USA will have 45 million H1N1 swine flu vaccines available for injection. I predict that within one month of the initiation of vaccinations, the number of deaths allegedly caused by swine flu will increase. The mainstream media will spin it by saying the H1N1 virus has mutated into something more deadly. They will also state that it is more important than ever to get the swine flu vaccine, because although the virus may have mutated, the vaccine is still your best bet for protection. This will be a lie because the virus is actually becoming less lethal, because it is genetically combining with normal flu strains which we have a strong immunity against. As for the media lying to us, research keywords controlled mainstream media and learn how the mainstream media is owned by a handful of people.

The next round of vaccines will start in November. More of the vaccines will have live H5N1 virus and the death rate will increase. Now the panic is really beginning as we are being told by the media the virus continues to mutate into something more deadly and that we must all be vaccinated as it is the only chance we have of stopping the virus from spreading. So even more people will get the vaccine and the death rate will continue to climb as more live bird flu vaccines are added in the December release of the vaccine. By this time, just about everyone will know someone who has allegedly died of the swine flu. By January-February, tens of thousands will have died and the vaccine will be made mandatory. If you don't take it, you will be quarantined. Research the Massachusetts H1N1 Pandemic law, which is soon to be signed into law by Governor Deval Patrick. There is also the possibility that if you have taken the vaccine, you will be required to wear a bracelet containing an RFID (radio frequency identification) chip. Research the keywords RFID H1N1 Vaccine Bracelet.

The CDC is stating that more than one shot may be necessary for the vaccine to be effective. But right now they say We just cant be sure. The eugenicists are planting the idea that more than one vaccine may be required in order to boost your immunity.

If these events play out, I hope that you will think to yourself, "Hey, I remember reading that crazy guy's email and now it's happening just like he said it would." Maybe you will even remember that very few people were dying from the H1N1 flu before the vaccines came out. Perhaps you will then consider not taking the vaccine and maybe youll even begin encouraging others to learn more about the vaccine prior to taking it.

No matter what happens, remember to always pray for world peace and to let it begin with you.

For those of you who believe God communicates with us through visions, go to this link and read Pastor Matutis vision about the swine flu vaccine.

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