Tuesday, November 17, 2009

2012 Economic melt down, not natural disaster?

We now see that some are predicting 2012 Economic melt down instead of 2012 natural disaster meltdown.

We could see Asian market melt down, sooner than 10 years that I predicted as we are going through faster global economic cycles triggered by financial market - monetary policy manipulation.

The US Economy is based on massive debt spending after millions of Americans spending their life saving, home equities, and going through financial disaster. The long term down-side economic cycle has delayed since 1990s with various economic and financial stimuli, therefore, the impact of the long term downside cycle is harder and longer.

Credit market reality: http://trend-signals.blogspot.com/2009/11/fed-mammon-is-using-asian-economy-as.html

I commented the following for months.: Predictable ~

It is reasonable and predictable that China will be on the list of the world's bankrupted countries along with major European countries and the United States within 20 years, if not in 10 years.

I commented on targeting and enslaving Asians using monetary policies. We now have more evidences that it is quite probable as China is reporting that Beijing has loaned $1.27 trillion in new loans in the first nine months of 2009. The pattern is quite similar how mammon is enslaving the world as converting nations with materialistic brainwash, then, wipe all out using monetary policies, economy, and market manipulation as we have seen in the United States and Europe.

This is an articulate article.

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