Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Disguised Markets

wonder what Bernanke, Beshel, Blankfein, Geithner, Doll, Paulson, etc., have conspired for tomorrow? It is astonishing the mammon is taking turns hyping and defrauding Americans and many around the world like a bunch of wolves devouring sheeples. Now, we are seeing Paulson wagging his tails sweeping buying-spree. Sooner or later big greedy wolves have to fight among themselves. This market will blow up violently and suddenly.

Market manipulation is at its best as it is operated by mammon, the next strong power next to God Himself. The market reasoning and excuses is beyond any reasonable person can iterate because we are living under a complete control of massive money power. The big money power is like a big black satanic mammon sucking wealth around the world -- betting against God that He will never interfere with or against the mammon. As many of us as Christians heard of satanic power, deception, etc., and we now better know what and how it operates as in Matthew 4 and Revelation 13. It is not a surprise that we are getting 2011 prophesy.

$COMPX 2193.14 -10.64 -0.48% 1,980,941
$INDU 10426.31 -11.11 -0.11% 1,145,714
$INX 1109.80 -0.52 -0.05%

Markets are still printing ordered by Bernanke and executed by Geithner, and it is absolutely insane.

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