Sunday, November 22, 2009

Where is Fairness and Justices

The UN on vacation again? It looks like the UN is used by greed to mock the globe? What we do know is that it's horrible greed using unfair, unjust, nonfactual excuses ~ Israel fires at Gaza, says weapons facilities hit

It is obvious to those who are totally unbias and fair would know that it is cruel and unjust to kill because of greed -- it is ruthless killing in reality just similar as the world affairs in finances over decades.

May God deliver His Justices -- He knows 100%, and He will avenge. Sooner or later God will as He said that whoever killing with greed will not avoid Eternal hell.
(CNN) -- Israeli fighter jets attacked what the country said were "terrorist sites" in Gaza in retribution for an earlier attack, the military said Sunday.

The Israel Air Force hit two weapons-manufacturing facilities in northern and central Gaza and a smuggling tunnel in the Rafah border area, Israel Defense Forces said in a statement. Gaza shares the Rafah border with Egypt.

The incident took place overnight Saturday, according to security sources within Hamas, which controls Gaza. Three people were injured, the sources said.

The US and global economy is hopeless if many are continuing to be fooled into market and media hype which has destroyed millions around the world.

Many are still fooled into market hype so called professionals, i.e. professionally propagating nonsense to millions as the US and global data proves.

Economic, politics, and geo-political news will distract, decoy, and mislead almost all who listen and read media reports. The Fed action on AIG is a good example of robbing Americans and the nation.

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