Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Fed & Capitalist hype

Gold bubble crash is coming !


The Federal Reserve is using the same deception repeatedly for decades, but Americans and many around the world are still falling into the same scam and schemes. We need to stop the vicious cycle.


Using media propaganda, the Fed Bernanke is literally stealing from and defiling the nations around the world. It is quite simple to understand when we open our eyes and recognize the greedy manipulation using market hype and speculation.

$COMPX 2169.18 -6.83 -0.31% 1,846,876
$INDU 10433.71 -17.24 -0.16% 1,029,205
$INX 1105.65 -0.59 -0.05%

The fact: nations around the globe are going bankrupt because of the Fed and capitalist manipulation and greed.

Obviously, those who have some financial market knowledge would know the reality of what is going on even though markets were hyping to lure in spending. During the last few years, many are starting to realize what is happening around the world - financially, economically, and politically even though some are still denying the facts proven by data. For Americans facing the reality as "Gloom and Doom" is a sign of intelligence and hope instead of fooled into market and mammon hype as we have seen during the last decades.

$USD fallen 98% since the Fed Reserve took over in 1913.

The Fed Madoff belongs in jail for literally stealing trillions from Treasuries.

$USD fallen 98% since the Fed Reserve took over in 1913.


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