Saturday, November 7, 2009

re Good and Evil relating to Financial Markets - update

Obviously satan uses the name of God to deceive and to cheat as in Genesis 3; and Goldman and the Fed is doing quite well. Goldman greed, deception, traitor -- there is no hope with demonic power.

This world is possessed by the satan in Genesis 3. The Goldman makes deceptive statements to millions of Americans, and still is doing so without remorse -- eternal death is waiting for all greedy -- greed which is the root of all evil.

This is exactly the damnation of the material promise of Abraham without Jesus that, with greedy human nature, they fall into satanic power doing the work of satan like Goldman. What Blankfein is saying, "I know I could slit my wrists and people would cheer", is that he'd rather die than being a normal human being without so much greed. No one would be cheering when he slit his wrists, but would feel pity toward his lost soul. Saying such thing just shows how his mentality is corrupted and greedy. He is given every opportunity to repent for his greed, but he is refusing to see reality as he hardens his heart choosing money above all. His mind is completely corrupt as the greed is doing the God's work -- when the reality says that he is doing satan's work as greed is the root of all evil. Most of all, in the name of greed, the Fed/Goldman corrupt and defiles the world with materialism deception.


Astonishing - only God knows all the details, however, it is certainly astonishing to hear such story. Obviously Tim Knight is chosen for reasons -- hopefully, it is for a good reason, not for worshiping mammon. Many Christians have fallen into hands of mammon as we can see that many in America have walked away from churches or are professing to be Christians with lip-services.

Our lives on this earth are like dews under blazing sun evaporating in a few minutes compared to Eternity. I wouldn't want to fail in Eternity. Through faith in God.... starving and dying in God is better than glutten greed money and pleasure ultimately leading to eternal death.

In that regard, just as Jesus said, the material blessing to Abraham is curse under the law, as Jesus said that it is hard for riches to enter Heaven. In Old Testaments also said that "Greed" is the root of evil -- and we can see how the Greed defiled the United States and many around the world.

Ecclesiastes 1 The Futility of All Endeavor

God will return as Jesus said in Matthew 24 and as we read in the book of Revelation. Those who sold their soul to mammon will end up in eternal hell after defiling the world with earthly pleasure and enjoying what this world has to offer. Repent! mammon, Repent!

Thank God that we will be with Him through Jesus and our faith in Him.

Praise God for sending Jesus as our Savior, and through Him, we can live with Him in eternal Heaven.

11/6/2009 I noticed Tim Knight's writing on Good and Evil. Not sure why he is writing on the subject other than what he expressed, but he is missing the most important issue with the financial markets which is "satanic deception" inherently involved in the markets, and especially when markets are driven by "Greed". Note that he completely omits "Greed" which is the root of all evil as the Bible states and as our common sense tells the same as well.

Tim is either simply ignorant about the fundamental issue or simply ignoring the most important part of issues concerning the topic. His view is quite biased and misleading lacking objectivity and validity especially he often claims himself as a Christian even though he is better than other traders. The fact that he is discussing the Good and Evil issues is subjecting himself how biased his views are.

Let's be realistic and use discernment - Tim Knight's writing on "Good and Evil". At the start of his post, it is a well-written argument; however, it is based on incorrect discernment of fundamentally misaligned basis of what is good or evil. The definitions which he noted are acceptable however as he progresses his writing, he is totally off-course where he is misleading the core issue which is financial markets are based on speculation and deception just as stated on the Genesis 3 when satan appeared to Eve with the similar tactics which financial markets are using.

Noted that satan started out with a question creating a doubt (Genesis 3:1). Then satan defied what God said (Genesis 3:4). After satan created a doubt, then satan defied God. The next step which satan took was a temptation to go against the will of God (Genesis 3:5). These satanic steps are exactly what markets are using to swindle, to scam, to steal, and to defraud millions and billions out of Americans and the United States.

When we see speculations of the markets, most of speculators are driven by the noted three steps. Those who have the power to move markets are being satanic as they continue to lure market participants to take their baits as their profit is coming from the participants.

Obviously Tim Knight is either ignorant of the facts or lying to others so that he can continue to be a part of satanic lure and practices or so that he can continue to deceive others using the Name of God and self-professed Christian. No one is perfect, however, with the level of he pretends to be, as noted, he is lacking discernment or satanic as in Genesis 3.

Readdressing the fundamental issues of "Good and Evil", the results of financial markets are "Greed", "Power-seeking", "Deception", "Killing", etc. as we can see those results in our daily lives. In our world, we do not need Financial Market deception to promote better society or culture as "China", "South Korea," or "Western World" were not really relied on the financial markets to progress technologically. We can not equate or credit "Technological Advancement" to capitalism for Russia or China were not "Capitalistic Society", but their technology would have advanced even though it was not as superior as Western's.

Because of Greed seeded in financial markets, it is evident that those who manipulate markets can easily become evil and corrupt. However, Cain killed Abel out of greed, so, it is the human nature to be greedy. Only Spirit of God truly can regenerate human hearts, minds, and spirit.

But my perception that this country is going very bad places doesn't make me un-American. If anything, my willingness to perceive and talk about these concerns makes me that much more of an American. I would like to see this country come out on the other side of this mess in one piece. I would say blind optimists who figure things will get better just because they ought to get better are unpatriotic by way of their apathy.

As for corporations: if you really want to destroy a company - - - if that's your fondest wish - - - then create a better competitor!

Who do you think had a more destructive effect on Yahoo.............(a) short sellers, or (b) the founders of Google? I think even 2 million short-sellers couldn't even approach the damage that the 2 co-founders of Google created. So Joseph Schumpeter's notion of "Creative Destruction" wins the day.

Performing Technical Analysis is indeed nothing to do with "Good or Evil" as it is mechanical analysis based on a set of rules; however, considering how market prices are manipulated as well as technical signals to lure, to attack, to mislead, to signal, and other purposes by market makers; there are always consequences of decision making process. Nevertheless, performing and trading based on technical analysis is the simplest part of various aspects of financial markets. Even though, we can view it as a part of criminal activities such as a driver in a bank rubbery is also a part of bank robbery even though he did not directly rob a bank.

An objective technical trader does the following:

  1. Examines a chart;
  2. Reaches a conclusion;
  3. Acts upon that conclusion.

There is nothing malevolent in the above. Nothing. If I believe the stock BIDU is going to fall, and I short it, then I am taking actions that I hope will be profitable for me. I am taking a risk. Yes, I am hoping the stock will fall, because that benefits me and aligns with my analysis. It feels good to be right, and it feels good to take a profit. But this "hope" has nothing to do with wishing ill on others; it is simply a supposition made based on analysis.

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