Sunday, November 1, 2009

The FOMC Bernanke

The FOMC and Dr Bernanke market manipulation has been most masterful as we are continuing to see billions and trillions are drained from the US Treasury. Going into the FED Day, markets are showing volatility, and the Dr Bernanke tactic has been worked well, obviously in collusion of trillions by Goldman, BlackRock, JPM, Treasury, etc.; as we can see that markets have moved up enormously. Even so, what's astonishing is that most of printed materials feeding Americans and globalists (i.e. all around the world) does not explain realities. Beloved Bernanke fooled us all and he is continuing to do so.

ISM Mfg Index
10:00 AM ET

Daniel Tarullo Speaks
10:30 AM ET

8:55 AM ET

Factory Orders
10:00 AM ET

Weekly Bill Settlement

Jobless Claims
8:30 AM ET

9:00 AM ET

Treasury STRIPS
3:00 PM ET

Money Supply
4:30 PM ET

Timothy Geithner Speaks

Wholesale Trade
10:00 AM ET

Consumer Credit
3:00 PM ET

Elizabeth Duke Speaks
3:00 PM ET

Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme victims and their lawyers have new evidence to examine as new documents reveal eye-opening claims by Madoff himself. Randall Pinkston reports.

In 2003, Madoff was sure he would be caught and was surprised when investigators did not check his accounts to see if he had actually traded stocks - which he had not.

It is accounting 101, Madoff told the inspector general, to look at DTC - Depositor Trust Commission - to discover a Ponzi scheme.;featuredPost-PE

"With one phone call they could have brought the whole thing down," Atkins said.

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