Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Economy 101

SEC refused to recognize "Accounting 101" to stop the Madoff fraud over 10 years.

Who in the right mind speak such nonsense, V-Shaped Recovery Will Last 2 Years: Wesbury, as if any normal market participants would not know that the world markets are operating with literally stolen money to pump the markets with hope of survived Americans to spend until dropping dead. V-shaped recovery stupefied with parsimonious vision defiled by voracious gratification.

The greedy capitalists, J&J to Cut 6-7% of Workforce in Restructuring, are trained to do what they have to do such as reorganization and restructure to survive. With such a tactic of management skills, the 1% owns 98% of global wealth. Are you glad that there is Heaven and Hell in Eternity -- a good news is that Jesus came to this earth to make sense the insanity.

Buffett is still pillaging at 79.
  • Oct. 31 (Bloomberg) -- Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc., the biggest shareholder in Coca-Cola Co. and Wells Fargo & Co., reduced its stake in credit-rating company Moody’s Corp. by 2.9 percent, the third cut in just over three months.

    Berkshire sold 1.15 million shares and remains Moody’s biggest stockholder with 38.07 million, according to a regulatory filing yesterday. The stake sold for about $28.7 million, Berkshire said. The Omaha, Nebraska-based firm cut its Moody’s holding by 17 percent in July and 2 percent last month.http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a06qLPCeo.vQ&pos=4

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