Sunday, November 29, 2009

Rich vs Poor & Dubai - new sin city - Las Vegas?

Food Stamp Usage Across the Country

The number of food stamp recipients has climbed by about 10 million over the past two years, resulting in a program that now feeds 1 in 8 Americans and nearly 1 in 4 children.

While Dubai is turning into another Las Vegas sin city, USA is still pretending to chase Osama by Obama.

  • Obama vs Osama : @@*#&@@&#&&!(@*#&#%_#&%&#_%
    Washington (CNN) -- President Obama got some political cover Sunday for his upcoming announcement on sending more troops to Afghanistan.

    A report released by the Democratic staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee blamed the Bush administration for failing to capture or kill Osama bin Laden when the al Qaeda leader was cornered in Afghanistan's Tora Bora mountain region in December 2001.

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