Monday, November 2, 2009

Economic Madoff data & SEC Malfunction - Madoff

Economic Madoff data >> With the massive US Debt spending, markets are still luring Americans to believe in unrealistic and misleading economic data.

If Americans believe in the Madoff economic and financial manipulation, it is inevitable that Americans will continuing to go through the same path as the Europeans did -- Bankruptcies.

Who in the right mind would believe the economic data based on massive debt spending.
  • Economy Could Keep Growing After Strong Reports

    The latest reading on national factory activity from the Institute for Supply Management suggests U.S. gross domestic product is growing at an annualized rate of 4.5 percent in the fourth quarter.

SEC malfunction >>> As the Madoff case speaks the truth loud enough, it is not co-incidental that major European countries are literally bankrupted. Madoff was caught because he was not a part of the top even though he was in the system, i.e. a member of the FED owners.

Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme victims and their lawyers have new evidence to examine as new documents reveal eye-opening claims by Madoff himself. Randall Pinkston reports.

In 2003, Madoff was sure he would be caught and was surprised when investigators did not check his accounts to see if he had actually traded stocks - which he had not.

It is accounting 101, Madoff told the inspector general, to look at DTC - Depositor Trust Commission - to discover a Ponzi scheme.;featuredPost-PE

"With one phone call they could have brought the whole thing down," Atkins said.

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