Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Financial Fraud Task Force

The problem is that at the very highest level, we have the most financially unjust operation is going on, and most of regulations are enacted after massive fraud in billions and trillions. The regulations are mostly barking small cases after massive financial swindle.

For example, it is unbelievable that some actually say that repealing "Glass-Steagall" act wasn't a basis for the R.E. bubble/crash manipulation.

ONLY, those who have sound knowledge of financial market history and reality, and "INTEGRITY" would be able to make sound commentaries and to voice fair assessment of history.

$COMPX 2203.78 5.93 0.27% 1,877,839
$INDU 10437.42 30.46 0.29% 1,041,475
$INX 1110.31 1.01 0.09%

Continuing to manipulate financial market prices to lure in small buyers -- sickly markets.

The fact is that Americans are now going through a depression, however, financial markets are still funneling money from Treasury and hyping to unload stocks to small, retail buyers.

Other factors are obviously speaking loud enough to show that Capitalism in America and around the world is corrupt, and there will not be real reformation to prove otherwise as the financial market history and current economic and financial statistics are proving the reality of when Americans rejected God, the country was going down with the faith. The worship of materialism in fact brought down the countries around the world.

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