Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Fed bankrupting the nations

In actuality, the Fed, the few owning over 98% of global wealth, is continuing to globally bankrupt nations, as for US, after bankrupting millions of Americans. The FED is continuing to use national debt to hype markets and to convey sense of economic stability with deceptive policies. England is a good example as the country is literally bankrupted, now, continuing to swindle wealth from the nation. Currently, in US, the Fed is continuing to mislead Americans with economic data to induce spending and to hype markets.

The Bank of England will expand its quantitative easing program by 25 billion pounds ($41.25 billion) to help kick-start Britain's recession-hit economy, bringing its total asset-buying program to 200 billion pounds.

  • 272 Foreclosures Filed Per Day In South Florida
  • Even after all this time, the infamous South Florida condo market remains mired in a funk. But actually the numbers are improving, slightly.
  • Here's the latest announcement from CondoVultures:
  • Lenders filed an average of 272 foreclosure actions per day in October 2009 against property in the tricounty South Florida region, representing an eight percent year-over-year increase compared to 2008 and an 86 percent increase from 2007, according to a new report from
  • The October 2009 foreclosure filings puts the tricounty South Florida region of Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties on pace for nearly 98,000 actions this year. The region was on pace for 102,000 foreclosure filings on June 30 and 99,000 on Sept. 30, according to the Condo Vultures® Foreclosure Database™.

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