Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Realities of Capitalism

Many around the globe >> Iran reformists warned on anniversary

Being fooled to be slaved by capitalists using freedom as deceptive baits around the world, e.g. South Korea as example with long term agenda to slave them using debt by corrupting culture through massive media propaganda.

Capitalism is corrupted as it turns to tools of deception of all kinds of intellectual mix of politics, economics, and financial speculations based on various academic theories. That is the way which capitalists slaved many around the world as 1% owning over 98% of global wealth. Capitalists will thrive globally and under democratic society, the greed is more thriving.

Many around the world are still misunderstanding or being ignorant about the reality which is detrimental to the financial health as Americans are going through as a good example, and another example is that most of European countries are literally bankrupted as a result of capitalistic deception.

Most of people around the world are simply deceived as well as majority of Americans.

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