Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Fed policy

Obviously, most of Americans are financially under stress after going through decades of economic and financial manipulation and after the final housing market blow left with home equity loans.

Greenspand and Bernanke literally drained billions and trillions out of Americans and the United States, as we know. The capitalists' interest is not for Americans and they will always work against the interest of Americans as profit is coming from the people. Most of people has a short-sighted and narrowed vision, so, we do not see the grand scheme of the Fed and capitalists' policies as we are fed misleading information -- a proof is 1% is now owning over 98% of global wealth.

Bernanke is continuing to hype financial markets using all kinds of economic and financial theories and speculations to further squeeze out wealth from Americans and the Nation. That will be resulting in, obviously, detrimental crush as trillions of fund managers will pull out profits from financial markets -- leaving naive Americans equity holders behind. Sooner, Americans deal with reality will be hopeful rather than falling into the Fed and big capitalists' propaganda using media.

Even though I am a conservative, blaming Obama is unreasonable as he is only, in reality, a political puppet manipulated by big capitalists, and those who blame Obama is either, as we know, ignorant or nefarious.

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