Thursday, November 5, 2009

Eco data & the Fed Bernanke

Obviously, the Fed and capitalists are ruthless with labor force squeezing out more productivity while conveying misleading economic data to induce Americans to spend.

The fraudulent Fed Bernanke is catching those who are defrauding them while psychopathically fraudulent Fed is globally defrauding all.

>> Listening to the SEC/FBI conference on the fraud case and it is a bit laughable to hear that they think using paid cell phone is highly schemed activity. It is quite elementary to do that by anyone who has a normal intelligence, is it not. There is no hope to discover highly organized fraudulent Fed activities, not in earthly thousands of years. Only God Himself can prove the high scaled, intellectual, global, scientific financial mafia like activities defrauding billions and trillions against Americans and nations globally.

On a side note, as noted before, my speculation on 911 and the patriot act is ultimately to spy on financial transactions with excuses of terrorist acts which are obviously legitimate as we see bombs going off, nevertheless the wars and terrorism could be also manipulated. Although, there are millions who are legitimately seeking revenge against those who harmed them and continue to do so using wars and other activities to gain more power and money.

Even though those who seek revenge may not see the justices and fairness which they seek on this earlth, sooner or later God will, in Eternity, as He knows every minute details of activities and intentions of our hearts and minds.

Press Conf. on Insider Trading Arrests 12:15pm

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