Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Global Problem - Greed

The world is criminal filled with "Greed": As the Bible says, "Greed" is the root of all evil, and we are seeing the effects around the world - the End of the world.

After literally stealing trillions from Americans, we are still hearing noise and decoy about the housing markets. While it is easy to manipulate financial markets, R.E. markets will take decade to reoccupy and to regain the level prior to the bubble crash.

  • MBS Buyback Program Should be Extended: Fed's Bullard

    A senior U.S. Federal Reserve official said its mortgage-related assets purchase program should be extended to help the economy recover from a painful recession.

  • Russia has now turned into a "criminal state", according to the man who was once its leading foreign investor.

    Bill Browder of Hermitage Capital was reacting to the news that his lawyer had died in prison in Russia after being held for a year without charge. He told the BBC that his lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, had effectively been "held hostage and they killed their hostage."

    Through Hermitage Capital Bill Browder campaigned against corruption at some of Russia's largest companies.

The problem which we are facing is not "size" of banks, for example, but THE REAL PROBLEM is GREED. When we control "greed", we will be heading to right path which will promote integrity, security, world peace, and other benefits of being fair and just.

Buffett noted "Greed will always exist" during the interview at Columbia University -- and as I noted before, he is a part of the world problem associated with Greed as we can see it in the world history. We need to control greed to fix long term problems around the world. To control "greed", we must see "effect regulation" as greed is a root of all evil, corruption, immorality, and all ill-wills around the world.

While Bill Gates is certainly genuinely brilliant and generous, Buffett is inconsistently hype continues, for example, he is saving pennies while he is puffing up Americans to spend until going bankrupt. His giving away money to Gates is exceptional even though the means which he gained the money is ruthless.
To Buffett: Don't fool around with Eternity.

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